Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Future iPhone 5: Our Favorite Smartphone Getting Even Smarter

With all of this talk about the Verizon iPhone 4, it’s hard to believe that the iPhone 5 isn’t all that far away. This bit of information is especially important to the users that decided to keep their 3G’s and skip number 4 to wait for the 5.

The possibilities of what this smartphone can have are very large and with AT&T finally having to improve their data plan with Verizon throwing haymakers, it’s going to be an exciting year for phone buyers. Some of the possibilities might not necessarily be ready just yet, but with the rate technology has been going if you think it will be done soon enough.

The first thing I really hope that Apple considers is the biometric security that will allow a swipe of a finger or a dot pattern like other carriers. In my opinion, the passcode is nice but a hassle for sure and the other phones seem to not have security issues. Rumor has it; Apple has been filing patents for this feature also so while a slim chance, still a possibility.

Another possibility with an even greater chance of being implemented would be the ability to output HD. It’s hard to believe the HTC EVO 4G Android Phone from Sprint already has this available and the superpower Apple still hasn’t been able to put this into their phones. The iPhone 4 subtly disappointed and drew sighs from eager buyers when they decided not to include a 64GB phone. The 16GB and 32GB phones available have very sufficient memory but maybe for some extremely phone dependant folks 64GB is the ticket.

The next very important and equally interesting possibility goes with what I’ve personally seen the Microsoft Company allow with their Xbox 360 Kinect. The Kinect switches functions and operates with voice command. If the new generation of iOS is capable of doing this, text messaging and e-mails might even be able to be accessed just by voice. Also, it’s possible the iPhone 5 will be 4G-ready, improve upon battery life (that happens with each new iPhone), and iOS5 should be over 90%. If we can top all of these off with a slightly better camera, I think we’d have ourselves a darn good phone.

Source :reviewsofelectronics.com
